‘Big Brother Canada 3’ review: An underdog story
Having a twist that gives the voting public a power is always a complicated thing to do, especially in a show like “Big Brother Canada” that has been airing for most of the past couple of months. Are things presented accurately courtesy of diary rooms and what you see on the show?
The answer to that is “yes” and “no.” Could you argue that the edit and the narrative Sunday night was geared very much in support of Sarah and Brittnee? Sure, but at the same time they also gave Zach a fairly nice edit, and cut out much of his aggression in a conversation with Ashleigh. Meanwhile, they could have made Bruno look much worse after his fight with Sarah, though we do understand why he kept Zach in terms of gameplay.
Much of this episode just felt weird to watch, if for no other reason than that we know that the season’s resident underdogs are going to get their happy ending for the week, but they just do not know yet. What they did receive was actually something relatively cruel: Being told that they were Have-Nots, without knowing that the twist was coming, was pretty heart-wrenching and really somewhat cruel to them. What did they do to deserve that?
As for the positives this week, the Head of Household Competition won by Ashleigh was pretty awesome. When they are not forced to support their sponsors, the challenge team here is far and away better than even the U.S. edition. Also, Godfrey is also bringing plenty of quality entertainment; he’s probably getting an over-the-top underdog edit, as well, but like Sarah, he’s a really good narrator and brings fun to the show.
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