‘Once Upon a Time’ season 4 finale spoilers: One last slice of Captain Swan scoop
Tonight, the end of “Once Upon a Time” season 4 is finale here, and just as there are heroes and villains, there are also good endings and potential bad endings coming for many of the characters and couples. While we may personally root for two people like Hook and Emma to get together, we ultimately do have to realize here at the same time that this is a complicated world! If somehow Emma is eventually drawn into becoming evil, does this shatter relationship for good.
Based on what star Colin O’Donoghue had to tease recently about the season finale to Us Weekly, there could be a hard road ahead for the two characters in the finale and beyond; however, at the same time you also have to remember that these two do want to make things work, and Hook is going to fight to the best of his ability to ensure that they can:
“They’re not really going to make an easy time of it, Hook and Emma … Just when they think they’re going to have time for themselves, something happens. Always something happens in Storybrooke! Hook, he really wants to try and make [the relationship] work so he’s going to do whatever it takes to make that happen!”
We know that there is a potential cliffhanger coming in the finale, but not in the same traditional way that we’ve seen over the past two years. Rather than focusing on introducing a new character, this time around the writers are more content to focus on what they have, and imagining a new twist that shakes things up.
If you missed our recent video preview for tonight’s “Once Upon a Time” finale, head over here to watch it now! Also, sign up to get some further TV magic sent your way, courtesy of our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: ABC.)