ABC’s ‘Scandal’ season 4 spoilers: Olivia vs. Command, Mellie’s election results in finale

Scandal -There was no new episode of “Scandal” on Thursday night, and we definitely understand the potential withdrawals that some of you out there are feeling at the moment. After all, the show has left us on quite a hook when it comes to the state of Olivia and her battles with Command … and namely her father. We cannot say one way or another if Rowan is going to make it through the season, but we definitely know that he is a guy who is not going to be out here without a fight.

The title for the finale is “You Can’t Take Command,” and that almost tells you everything that you need to know about what the story is about! Also, check out the attached synopsis for some other scoop on what to expect:

“Everything comes to a head in the shocking season finale when Olivia and the team finally make some big moves to take down Command, and Mellie’s fate is sealed as the election results are announced.”

The results of Mellie’s election are probably more important here than they first seem, at least when it comes to cultivating the show’s long-term future. We are in the second Presidential term for Fitz already, and sooner or later, he is going to have to leave office. If the show wants to continue its high-stakes level of drama and entertainment, it has to find a way to get Mellie into that office, as well. Yes, this may be incredibly unrealistic … but this is also “Scandal” we are talking about here. You really cannot be that surprised at all with what the show decides to do.

Want to get some other news related to “Scandal”? Then head over here, where you can see some of the latest news for what lies directly ahead! Also, sign up now to get some further TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: ABC.)

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