‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Late-night nominations
Well, “Big Brother Canada 3” certainly took some time when it comes to getting its live feeds back on. Even as we write this, we don’t have official confirmation of who the nominees are. We know that earlier, the plan was for Head of Household Kevin to put up Bobby and Brittnee on the block, leaving the door open to backdooring either Godfrey or possibly even Bruno depending on what happens next. For now, we’re going with that as the noms since odds are that Kevin did not go rogue in the eleventh hour. Plus, nobody seems to be particularly angry. We’d say we’re about 80% on it, but since nobody confirmed it on the feeds before bed, we’ll confirm in the morning. Godfrey / Britt is also possible.
For those wondering, Bobby basically suggested himself to go up as a nominee, which is one of the most absurd things we’ve ever heard of given what happened to Jordan.
Probably the most interesting news of the night was seeing Bruno and Sarah get together to talk a little game, given that they are by our estimation the two best players left. They chatted briefly about the idea of Kevin putting up Zach as replacement nominee, which will never happen and they should never bring it up to him ever since they could easily be nominated instead.
A couple of quick notes from the Have / Have-Not Competition earlier in the day. Pilar’s costume is that of a lobster, and Bruno claims that the “strategy” he got to watch were intro videos of the houseguests who have already been evicted. To us, this seems weird and probably not the best lie. Our guess is that he saw them of every person left in the game and isn’t saying anything, which means that he may know that Kevin is a poker player. Still, there’s not much in them that could actually help him in the context of the game.
Also, Willow is a Have-Not alongside Zach and Bobby, who spent most of the day running around in slop boots.
That’s all she wrote for tonight, but you can head over here to get some other “Big Brother Canada” updates! We’ll have some other cool stuff to share tomorrow that we hope you’ll want to check out. Also, sign up for some other TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)