‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Typical Tuesday strategy talk
What made last week on “Big Brother Canada 3” so entertaining was that up until almost the very last minute, it was not set in stone that Jordan would be leaving the game. There was even some doubt to us that Bobby would go into the Diary Room and vote for the right person.
This week, meanwhile, life is dull. Sindy is almost certainly going out, and we had another reminder why when she started complaining about the votes today … to Brittnee … who is almost on the block against her. Wait, what? Sindy just doesn’t know how to chill out in the game and let other people come to her. It is fun to watch someone so proactive, but it does not mean that you are going to last very long at all.
Elsewhere, today has been mostly listening to various people spout off about alliances, future plans, and deals that they are not entirely like to keep.
1. There is a continued battle over Willow’s allegiance. Given the “Sillow” movement going on right now, we feel like Sarah and by extension Brittnee have her for the most part, which is good for them plus Bobby and Bruno (and by extension Godfrey). If they can get Head of Household, then they can make a big move against the Diaper Alliance and shake up the whole game.
2. There is some tension between Bruno and Sarah over comments from the past, but we’re not that concerned about it. These two are very smart, and they’ll work through any drama in order to continue to work together.
3. Zach continues to think that he has Willow, and if he can get Godfrey up after a Veto he will go home. Um, didn’t he just see what happened with Jordan? Zach seems ready for now to make a move on the Godfrey, Bruno, and Bobby team, but at this point we will believe it when we see it. He is continuing to talk with the guys at the same time, just Bruno and Kevin made a “deal” to not go after each other.
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May 22, 2015 @ 3:47 pm
What is up with Peter Brown? For a self acclaimed intelligent person he is very stupid. He is actually condemning Brittnee for winning competitions and condoning Godfrey for being a floater. Did he not play Big Brother in the Big Brother house .. Of course he did he was also a floater which is why he is backing Godfrey. I think someone needs to sit Peter down and explain how the game is played and what most true fans respect about the game. He was a bitter loser and seemingly still is. Peter you can’t expect someone else to drag you through the game for you to win on another’s coat tail you have to, or need to, win some competitions on your own. The things I hate most about the game is when girls go in the house and do whatever they are told by the guys, example .. Ashleigh and Pilar this season and bitter sore losers like Peter Brown. I hope the two most deserving contestants are in the final two which are Brittnee and Sarah. Ashleigh is playing well now and probably deserves to be at the end but the jurors this season as most other seasons vote against the ones who got them out instead of the person who deserves to win. It’s a joke when someone claims to be a die hard fan then votes with their emotions (or hatred for the person who beat them) and not the way the game is played. Grow up Peter it’s a game and everyone is playing for the win except floaters!