‘Supernatural’ season 10 spoilers: Misha Collins’ awesome finale tease
Through much of “Supernatural” season 10, we have seen the story revolve almost entirely around the Mark of Cain and the rise of Rowena. Will these two stories continue into the finale? We cannot confirm that, but we at least have the feeling that at least one of them will be present for this big installment of the show.
More than anything, though, what we are feeling at the moment going into the finale is simply that the show really needs to come up with a cool way of shocking us. We’re not really sure that they have done that since around the beginning of the season. Maybe that is a character death, or a major twist, or the introduction of new mythology we don’t see coming. Regardless of what it is, there just needs to be something that gets people talking about the show again.
Based on what Misha Collins had to say to Entertainment Weekly about where the story is heading, we thankfully have the feeling that this is coming:
“There’s going to be a moment when everyone breathes a collective and triumphant sigh of relief … followed by a horrific ‘oh s**t’ moment.”
This may be one of the greatest statements to promote a finale out there, mostly because that is the sort of thing we have screamed at the TV while watching any moment of craziness go down in a finale.Whatever it is, we just hope that it doesn’t lead to Castiel dying. We’ve already been down that road enough on this show! Maybe the death of minor character, but don’t take a regular away.
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Kate Escobar
April 21, 2015 @ 5:36 am
April 19, 2015 @ 2:56 am
Castiel should definitely die, the angel/daemon arc has been done to death already. Time to move on. The show is in dire need of a fresh storyline.
April 19, 2015 @ 11:39 pm
R u crazy! I’m w Deb…they can’t kill Cas off! He’s to vital to the story line….
April 20, 2015 @ 5:31 pm
So vital to the story line that for the last three seasons the character has been off on his own with his own storyline that has little to do with Sam and Dean.
Skylar Duncan
April 28, 2015 @ 3:18 am
Gee Willikers! A rare species of casual fan spotted in it’s natural habitat
April 18, 2015 @ 11:40 pm
It does sound as if the season finale is going to be a doozy with fans, everywhere, dreading the long summer wait until season eleven begins. As for killing off Cas, I seriously doubt that would happen; if it did, the move wouldn’t be permanent. Unless I’m mistaken, Misha has already been signed for season eleven. Plus, the powers-that-be know Misha and his Cas are a viewer magnet; Misha and his Cas are extremely popular with many SPN fans. If Cas were permanently killed off, it would likely badly damage the show’s viewing numbers and ratings. I doubt the powers-that-be would take the risk.