‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Who actually wants to win HoH?
While we’ve seen bit and pieces of this at times, our dream is to at some point on “Big Brother Canada” actually see a challenge where almost everyone decides to throw the challenge. It’s like playing in a game of poker (Kevin would appreciate this analogy) where almost everyone decides to fold rather than taking the game in an aggressive manner.
Earlier today, we got more verification that it is the plan of the Bromuda Triangle (otherwise known as Zach, Jordan, and Kevin) to continue to throw challenges for the next couple of weeks so that they do not look anywhere near as threatening. We hope Kevin is lying when he says this, because it feels like there are way too many people who want him out to take the risk. Meanwhile, Ashleigh and Pilar had a similar conversation earlier about continuing to play down the middle themselves and to throw the majority of challenges. They also explained why they want to keep Godfrey for a while: He is not viewed as a social or strategic threat by anyone, and he is such an easy target moving forward.
Given that we don’t think that someone like Willow really doesn’t need to win HoH for a while and Brittnee cannot play, we could see a situation coming up where Godfrey, Johnny, Sarah, and Bruno are the only people really trying hard to win.
Let’s close this with a request, since this has been such a quiet few days on the feeds: Why the lack of booze? Other than what Brittnee got, the house has been much drier than it was last season.
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