‘The Amazing Race 26’ episode 5 preview: Lost and in need of translation

Amazing Race -After a really insufferable wait in the middle of a season (which almost never happens), “The Amazing Race” returns to CBS Friday night with an episode that takes us seemingly to Germany, and focuses on a pretty common problem: Teams getting lost and taken way off-course. Can they find their way back in time?

If there is one thing that should give almost every team present in this promo a little bit of hope, it is the fact that they are not the only team that seems to be completely clueless as to where to go. There is strength in numbers, and there are quite a few people who are all collectively lost and unsure. So long as there are many people in the same situation, you have compelling TV. The last two episodes were anything back, since it was obvious from the start of both episodes who would be walking slowly into the Pit Stop.

In other not-surprising news, Hayley is going to tell Blair to listen to her again! We admit that very early in this season, we were pretty team Hayley since he seemed to be pretty indifferent to almost everything. However, our opinion is starting to change, mostly because we don’t see her really allowing him to redeem herself in her eyes. These two are the current source of dysfunctional entertainment, especially since we have a few other couples who are pretty boring and the whole blind-date twist has produced less romance than a hot-tub party on “The Bachelor.”

As for who we’re most worried about at the moment, it is our beloved Mike & Rochelle. These two are to us the most likable team still in the running, but that’s because they are the “one of these things does not look like the others” team. They get along pretty well, but physically are not anywhere near as athletic as some of the other people left. They can only afford to make a few mistakes, and it looks like they will be one of the teams finding themselves lost.

Tomorrow night, you are going to be able to find our review for this episode and much more at the link here. Stay tuned! Also, sign up to get some more TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)


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