‘Bates Motel’ season 3 trailer: Norman, Norma get all the creepier

If A&E was hoping to get the excitement for “Bates Motel” season 3 to a new level, we feel like their latest trailer accomplishes that goal and then some. It’s shocking, creepy, and above all, it makes you very worried about the fate of Norma Bates. We know what happens to her within the lens of the “Psycho” movie, and sooner or later, you have to assume that it is very well possible that her character meets a similar fate here.

As we mentioned, this trailer really makes an effort to emphasize the rising darkness in Norman, but also another important question in here: How much responsibility should Norma have for her son’s actions and behavior? While she cannot control how he kills, should she at least realize that she has a very inappropriate relationship with him. Sleeping in the same bed, and all of the other stuff? Too much. Also, very effective use of music here to go along with the show’s intense color palette.

It feels ultimately like this season is going to take a significant step forward in getting Norman to his endgame, and it serves almost as a reminder that this show, perhaps even more than almost any other, has a limited shelf life. There is only so long that we can watch him transform into a killer, especially for the residents of White Pine Bay take notice even more so than they have already.

We will have further news related to the series soon, so stay tuned.

What do you think about this trailer for “Bates Motel”? Share some of your quick thoughts with a comment.

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