NBC’s ‘Hannibal’ season 3 spoilers: Gillian Anderson teases Bedelia – Lecter situation

Hannibal -Due to the launch of the second season of “The Fall” over on Netflix, Gillian Anderson is doing the promotional rounds at the moment. What does that mean? Other than trending topics by folks hoping to see more of “The X-Files,” it also allows for opportunities to see her discuss further the upcoming third season of “Hannibal.”

The last time that we saw Anderson’s character of Bedelia on the show, she was in a very interesting position getting aboard a plane with Dr. Lecter. However, we still don’t know entirely why, or just what he relationship with him truly is. This is something that she discussed in a chat with E! News, though she was not particularly liberal with the sharing of information:

“I guess just to say that the—I guess I can call it a relationship—whatever relationship Bedelia and Hannibal have, it is fascinating, strange and we also have a lot of fun playing with that … We’re somewhere in Europe. To what capacity and why, and how much does she know, and is she complicit and all that kind of stuff and what kind of relationship is it, is she in danger…yeah, lots of questions.”

Given that Anderson is a regular on the series, we imagine that we are going to see quite a bit of her. What we’re most curious about is how she manages to get everything done. We heard stories from the “Hannibal” cast and crew at Comic-Con about how she was literally flying around from one continent to another on very little sleep sometimes, just to ensure that she could play every part to the fullest.

There’s no official premiere date for “Hannibal” season 3 yet, but expect to see more of it this spring. You can get some super-interesting teases right away at this link, or sign up right now for some further TV scoop via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: NBC.)

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