‘Elementary’ season 3, episode 3 preview: Phil Simms’ talent in ‘Just a Regular Irregular’

ElementaryElementary” has been hyping up an appearance by Phil Simms over the past few weeks now, and it is really a part of a series of NFL-related cameo appearances that CBS has been doing across their family of networks.

With that being said, who would’ve thought that this appearance on Thursday night’s new episode would be as fun as it ended up being? We really thought that this was just going to be one of those obnoxious cameos meant to remind us that CBS broadcasts NFL games, and while there is inherently a certain amount of that, we actually found learning about Simms’ “hidden talent,” and how it applies to the case at hand, to be rather funny. We also appreciated how Sherlock Holmes refused to call Simms anything other than “Phillip.”

Simms is not the only guest star who will be turning up during “Just a Regular Irregular.” You can also expect to see Rich Sommer of “Mad Men” fame return as one of the math whizzes Sherlock calls on to help solve a particularly complicated case. He joins Kitty Winter, who is still a major part of the equation at the moment. Who knows how long she will be around for?

The biggest thing we’re hoping for tomorrow night is better ratings for the show. While we know that “Elementary” has not been its best so far during season 3, we also want to ensure that it gets a season 4, where it can bring back a little of that magic.

Want to see some more news related to “Elementary” right now? Then head over to the link here, where you can see more on Irene Adler and Mycroft! Also, you can sign up now in the event you want some further TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo via CBS.)


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