‘True Blood’ season 7: Anna Paquin on love scenes, being directed by Stephen Moyer

True Blood -True Blood” is a rather interesting show from a romantic point of view, given that you have everyone hooking up with everyone at some point during the run. You have to imagine that there are awkward stories that are passed around all over the place about what happens here sometimes.

But what would have to be the most awkward thing of all, at least to us, would be having to direct your own wife through some of these scenes. This is what Stephen Moyer had to do while directing the season 7 premiere of the HBO series, which we suppose is some sort of spoiler that Sookie Stackhouse and Alcide do hook up at some point in the first episode. Given that they are in a relationship, though, that should not come as much of a surprise.

So what did Anna Paquin have to say about going through a scene with Joe Manganiello while Moyer stood there and watched? Speaking in a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, she explained that thanks to the circumstances of their relationship, it is almost a new normal for them to do this:

“It’s not as awkward as you would think … If you were to picture the perfect day at work for your spouse, would that be it? Probably not, but this is just kind of how it’s always been. So it doesn’t feel as bizarre.” 

It may actually be possible that the two parties have a love scene themselves at some point during the final season, mostly because Sookie and Bill never seem to be that far away from each other, despite almost everything that they have went through since the very beginning of the show.

Speaking of Manganiello, you can find out some more news from the final season from him over at the link here. Also, click this link to sink your fangs into more scoop via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: HBO

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