‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ preview: The Porsha Stewart separation update

The latest -On last week’s “Real Housewives of Atlanta” premiere, one of the more emotional moments came courtesy of Porsha Stewart, who had to admit to some pretty shocking things that happened to her at the hands of Kordell in a deposition.

So this time around, we have an update as to what is the latest stuff going on with her … and some of it is pretty darn surprising yet again for a number of reasons. We have Porsha eagerly awaiting a check to come in the mail for spousal support, saying that she feels like she deserves it so that she doesn’t have to “live on the street.” Then in the same breath, she mentions living with her mother and not wanting to spend the money that Kordell gives her on finding a place. She also goes into a tear about how she feels like she never had money in her purse when the two were married, even though she had a nice car and lived in a nice house.

This entire video is a little bit odd, mostly because it’s not as progressive as it otherwise could be, even if Porsha clearly deserves the cash based on the way that this whole breakup happened. The thing that continues to surprise us the most about this, though, is the notion that Kordell could be some sort of tycoon in the first place. Even though he played in the NFL for 11 seasons and does hold a couple of interesting records courtesy of his versatility, his last season was over five years ago. The guy’s got to have some good investments elsewhere to be able to still live a pretty good life, and not hold a heck of a lot back.

We’ll just have to see how the rest of this unfolds over the course of the season. What we will say now is that the last thing we want to see is the show only focus on this with Porsha and nothing else all season long.

What do you think about this video, and about Porsha’s attitude when it comes to support? Be sure to share below, and click here if you want to read some more preview footage from the show.

Photo: Bravo

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