‘The Walking Dead’ season 4, episode 3 preview: Sasha vs. the ‘flu’

More news -Is Sasha in danger of being the next person to fall victim to the “zombie flu,” as we like to call it? Given that “The Walking Dead” released a sneak peek featuring her crawling through the prison on Sunday night’s new episode, that seems a little bit obvious. But after watching this, one thing certainly is clear: The title of this show may as well be referring to the humans at this point just as much as it does the walkers. This is a pretty awful situation for all of the humans to be in, as they have to try and figure out a way to survive what is ultimately something that doesn’t feel curable. This would be bad enough if there were better living conditions, but this is a disaster.

We only wish that this sneak peek gave us something a little more to go on than watching Sonequa Martin-Green’s character wandering through the prison. One other reason that we can hope for her to survive is that this would make this the second show in the past month for one of her characters to die in. She was already killed off during the “Once Upon a Time” premiere.

But for those of you worried that this is a microcosm of the entire episode, there is going to be plenty more in the way of violence. Not only that, but Daryl Dixon will spend at least a few minutes reminding us yet again of all of the myriad of reasons why you love Daryl Dixon so much. As for all of you with those Governor questions, including whether or not this entire disease was the fault of something he did, you will find out at some point before the end of this season. David Morrissey is a series regular, but he is laying low at the moment after what happened in the season 3 finale.

What are your predictions for “The Walking Dead” Sunday night? Be sure to share your thoughts below! Meanwhile, be sure to visit the link here if you’ve got a particular curiosity to see a fun video featuring Andrew Lincoln, and his beard. That’s right: His beard is at least briefly going to take center stage.

Photo: AMC

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