‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Drunk Andy, contestant-bashing, and preparing for finale

The latest -How did the “Big Brother 15” houseguests spend their final evening? Mostly doing the same thing that they have done all season long: Complaining about the people who are no longer in the game.

The basic summation of last night’s events is that Andy got himself drunk on a couple of beers, and then proceeded to complain about how McCrae acted like he was destined to win this game. He also complained rigorously about Amanda and Aaryn for never sharing their alcohol with anyone, and said that this was the drunkest that he had ever been in the house.

The thing that we are probably the most curious about here is simply Andy’s comment that it has really been a year since he last taught a class, which gives us a little bit more information on the statement that his college recently gave on his employment status. (In other words, he really wasn’t working there prior to being on the show, so it’s not even a situation where they have to fire him.)

It still feels like the plan that is in place for the finale today is to backstab someone, depending on who wins the final Head of Household Competition. In the end, this is pretty dumb game play in that you’re guaranteeing yourself at least one angry member of the jury right away; but then again, Andy has not done a very good job playing with the jury in mind. Were it not for Helen trying to talk some sense into the other players and him being around such unlikable people, he probably wouldn’t win this game.

If you want to read more of our recent live feed articles, including some of who should return for a “Big Brother 16,” just be sure to visit the link here.

Photo: CBS

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