‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: A fond farewell to the backyard … until the finale

The latest -Today, we compose this “Big Brother 15” update with a heavy heart, as we are saying goodbye to a valuable player this season: The backyard. This is where many houseguests went to escape drama, to smoke, to show off their bodies, or to craft deals. It is where the Exterminators were formed, which is something that most of you would probably be a little bit more inclined to forget about.

But it looks as though the backyard may be gone now until the finale. There was an indoor lockdown that came this afternoon, and the houseguests clearly acted like this would be the end as Spencer took a final dive in the swimming pool. It would definitely not be much of a shock to us if it is closed down for the rest of the time, given that there is just a little over a day to go now, and there is both a conversation along with backyard interviews that need to be set up for after the finale airs. (We’re so hoping that CBS has a reporter on the scene to ask real questions, and not just Big Jeff talking about hookups.)

So with the backyard out of commission, the players are all back in bed, and continue to bide their time until the finale rolls around. We’re going to try our best to entertain soon by talking all-stars, with a pair of feature articles coming your way soon.

1. The best all-stars for a season all about big players.

2. The best all-stars for a season where there are duos, like “Big Brother 13.”

What will you miss about this season’s backyard design? (We’d ask what you will miss about the houseguests, but we probably already know the answer to that.) Be sure to share your thoughts below! Also, click here if you want to read some more updates from the live feed.

Photo: CBS

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