‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Updates on Andy, GinaMarie, comparing notes, and more

The latest -You know that the “Big Brother” houseguests are bored when they go to bed before two in the morning, and that’s what happened on Sunday night. When you actually really think about it, there were only ten hours yesterday that we saw contestants not just spending most of their time laying around in bed.

There were a couple of interesting little moments that we saw on the feeds last night, starting with Andy and GinaMarie comparing notes and realizing that Spencer has told them each different things about a likely tiebreaker during the upcoming Head of Household Competition (the final part of it) on Wednesday night. Were this a different part of the game, this shadiness would potentially not be so overlooked, but let’s be honest here: You want to take Spencer to the end of the game. The goal should always be to go far with someone that you know for sure that you can beat, and Spencer has the same odds of winning as Frank’s teddy bear does from last season.

On a different note, the houseguests gave out “awards” last night almost they were in high school creating a page for the yearbook. Here’s some of their selections:

Most Popular – Either McCrae or Andy, which is probably the first time that either of these guys has even won this

Best Dressed – Elissa

Best Smile – Aaryn

Best Accent – Judd (over GinaMarie?)

Best Facial Hair – Spencer (not like there is any competition here)

Weirdest – Kaitlin

Best Laugh – Helen

Most Energetic – Helen

Loudest – Candice

Laziest – McCrae

Cleanest – Andy (though this really could have been no one, since we’ve all seen the house)

So there you have it. On a strategy perspective, everyone thinks that they are going to be taken still by someone else to the finale, and it will probably stay that way until someone casts their vote. If you thought this weekend was boring, just wait until you get a load of today.

Want to see our review of last night’s episode? We have both this and other live feed updates here.

Photo: CBS

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