‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Amanda, Judd, medication, and Julie Chen talks Aaryn Gries

The latest -There are quite a few assorted things to share here when it comes to “Big Brother 15,” so we’re just going to dive right in here rather than waste any time on exposition.

Judd and Amanda argue – This was one of the few highlights of the live feeds from last night, mostly because it was basically her trying to push him on why he did not want to keep her. His answer was logical, because she is part of a powerful pair, but she still tried to sell him on the notion that Spencer is a liar. This may be true, but he’s also in an alliance with Judd that benefits him for now. this group at least has a couple more weeks left, provided that Andy sticks to his side of the plan.

Medication mayhem – Has there ever been a season where so many people are concerned about their pills? Amanda is clearly the biggest offender, but on at least three occasions last night there were conversations about how people were upset with the DR for not giving them what they wanted. Ugh.

Julie Chen on “The Late Show with David Letterman” – Julie is talking again about Aaryn Gries. Are you ready? Well, it’s really just more of the same. The biggest thing that we got from this was Julie’s comment that many in production actually thought that Aaryn was going to be a fan favorite based on her interviews, where she was kind and sweet and normal.

If you want to check out some more “Big Brother 15” updates, you can either visit the link here, or take a look at all of the updates in the attached sidebar.

Photo: CBS

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