‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Andy makes two promises; Elissa’s Canada conflict

The latest -Somehow, this week on “Big Brother 15” could end up being one of the most interesting episodes of the entire season, and it is all thanks to a brief few seconds during Thursday night’s live show.

For now, though, we will say this: It appears still like Amanda is going home, based on the way that she is acting, and what she is saying to some other people in the game. Andy knows that he has a better shot at this point with the Exterminators than Amanda / McCrae, mostly because Spencer, Judd, and GinaMarie are probably people he can beat in challenges, and he knows that McCranda will take each other to the end. He’s promised to “give up” that organ shirt he wears as collateral like Elissa has given up her wedding rings, but he really doesn’t care since it is just a silly shirt. He’s going to have a ton of blood on his hands Thursday, and that will be interesting to see. He pledged loyalty to both parties earlier this afternoon, which makes this all the more complicated / strange.

Also, we should add that one of the motivations for Elissa’s move seems to be something that she came into the game with: Fear of guys getting together and taking out the girls. If Amanda goes, it means that she and GinaMarie are the only two ladies left, and she knows now that there is a bigger target in the game. (Amanda is pretty much giving herself to Elissa’s will at this point, and seems to finally feel some remorse that she treated her so badly.)

Elsewhere, Judd managed to tick off Elissa mightily for saying that she wasn’t really “half-Canadian,” and insinuating that her having some sort of feelings of pride towards her neighbors to the north made her less patriotic. We don’t really think that he was serious in saying it, but it still annoyed her and he may have to do damage control later.

If you do want to read some more updates from “Big Brother 15,” just be sure to head on over to the link here.

Photo: CBS

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