‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Amanda begs, complains about Elissa, thinks life’s not fair

The latest -Knowing now that her odds of staying on “Big Brother 15” beyond just a few more days are pretty slim at this point, we would now like to officially christen today the start of the Amanda Zuckerman – “woe is me” party. She loves to play different roles on the show: Loudmouth, bully, lover of McCrae, and today, that particular role is victim.

Basically, she has embarked tonight on a series of “complaining sessions” where she reminds everyone just how horrible Elissa is, how she complains about everyone, how she said that she didn’t want to be in jury so that she didn’t have to live with most of these miserable people, and how she needs to go soon just because the longer she is there, the better her chances are of winning America’s Favorite Houseguest. That’s right: Apparently, there is such a strategy as using the odds of winning this award against someone.

If we were to wager an opinion on America’s Favorite … Elissa is winning it regardless. We’d be happy if either she or Judd won it, at least in comparison to some of the other miserable people still left in the game.

As for other news, GinaMarie has pretty much decided that she will put Spencer on the block tomorrow as a replacement nominee, and he’s more than fine with it, knowing that he will be safe thanks to his alliance. Amanda is not going to give up begging people to save her, but it’s really not going to work. The more interesting course of action this week will be seeing who tries to rope McCrae in after she leaves, in the event that he wins Head of Household right away.

What do you want to see happen on “Big Brother 15” the rest of the week? If you want to read some more highlights from Amanda’s complain-fest, just look here. We’ve got the review for tonight’s episode also thrown in there for good measure.

Photo: CBS

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