‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: The Power of Veto result you all saw coming

Moving on -Earlier today in a “Big Brother 15” article, we wrote about how it was pretty obvious that this competition was being set up in order for McCrae to win. We’re not so much talking in terms of production rigging it, but some of these people are so spineless that they did not really want to try that hard, not wanting to get any of the blood on their hands for winning the Veto and then not using it. (We’re looking at Andy here.)

Thanks everyone afraid to actually stand up and play the game, we ended up seeing McCrae declared the winner. He is for sure safe now until at least the double-eviction on Thursday, where we imagine that he will suddenly become the biggest target in the game since he’s a challenge threat and probably a better player with Amanda gone. The reason that he was the target this week was because everyone knew he was more capable of causing damage in the house that Amanda ever was.

So where does the Exterminators alliance go from here? Basically, it is an all-too-familiar route that involves putting Spencer up on the block. This will allow him to break the record for most nominations in a season, and since he did it this week, you may not even need to put an asterisk on it for the season being longer than most. He’s also someone that was willing to go up, and is not going to get any real votes against him given that he is not much of a threat. GinaMarie does not want to put Elissa up, since she would make an enemy with someone that did not nominate her last week.

What do you think about McCrae winning, and did you see this coming at the end of the day? If you want to read some more news from the live feed, just be sure to head on over to the link here.

Photo: CBS

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