‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: GinaMarie’s hurting, and Pandora’s Box possibilities

The latest -There is clearly something rather intriguing taking place in the “Big Brother 15” house early this afternoon, but what exactly is it? It’s far too early for there to be a competition taking place, so you have to imagine that it is either a Have / Have-Not Competition, the “special competition” that Julie Chen talked about on Thursday night’s show, or finally, the debut of Pandora’s Box.

We like the idea of the box coming out now, mostly because it does add so much additional drama to the game courtesy of twists, comedy, and often visits from Jessie “Mr. Pec-Tacular” Godderz, who could challenge some of these contestants to a steel-cage match or advise them on proper nutrition. There has been talk for a week now about banging noise coming from the Head of Household room, and the trivia started right when GinaMarie (the new HoH) was up and getting ready for the day.

Now, we better hope that this is not some sort of twist like the Diamond Power of Veto, or some other sort of special twist like we saw with the second Veto last season. If there is a twist that actually helps Amanda and McCrae stay alive in the game a little while longer, we are sure that the conspiracy theorists will come out of the woodwork with the old theory that Allison Grodner and Amanda are friends, and therefore this entire season has been set up in order for her to have an unfair advantage in the end. (Ugh.)

Right now, though, the plan has not changed for McCranda to go on the block, and based on the guys voting this week, McCrae will be the one to leave the game on Thursday.

If you want to read some more news when it comes to the “Big Brother 15” feeds, including our full take on last night’s Aaryn Gries smackdown, just be sure to visit the link here.

Photo: CBS

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