‘Homeland’ season 3 spoilers: The reason for more of Brody’s family

Dana -Just by the nature of being a very good show “Homeland” is going to be a program that continually deals with tough questions, controversy, and almost everything in between. For the folks writing the show, there are moments where this is a great and awesome thing. Then again, at the same time there are moments where you literally want to pull your hair out.

Some of those moments are going to come merely in the decisions that the people on the staff make when it comes to their plans for the new season. For example, why bring back Nicholas Brody’s family at all? You know how this story is likely going to be: They are all miserable, and wondering to themselves why it had to be them that was thrust into this situation.

As executive producer Alex Gansa explains to The Huffington Post, this decision ultimately came about merely as a result of a long and heated discussion with the writers about both this and some other topics:

“…We brought two new writers on. And one of the first things we did was talk to them about the show as people who were fans of it. One of the first questions was, ‘Are you interested in the Brody family dynamic without Brody being in the house? Is that something you’d be interested in watching?’

“And there was a unanimous, ‘Yeah, that’s something we’re interested in watching. We’re interested in those characters.’ Again, being so inside the show, you just don’t know that.”

In the end, the show made the right decision in doing this the moment that you decided to bring Brody back for more. You either had to have no Damian Lewis or Damian Lewis and the family, otherwise the story made no sense. Being that this show is almost in some ways about loyalty more than anything else, having that family unit is relevant in that these are the people you should be more loyal to than anyone else.

Want to read more “Homeland” news? Then click here, where you can watch a full video featuring Lewis and the cast looking back.

Photo: Showtime

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