‘Breaking Bad’ season 5, episode 9 preview: What to expect in ‘Blood Money’

Ready? -Sadly, there are only eight more Sunday mornings that we are going to getting an opportunity to do this: Sitting down, and writing about all of the exciting things that AMC and Vince Gilligan have planned for us on “Breaking Bad.” However, we’ll still be back every week for the rest of the summer with a look of what we know about the story ahead, and some of what you should be looking out for.

“Blood Money” is a heavily-guarded episode, but at the same time, it is also the only episode that select critics have been able to view in advance. It keeps the “Breaking Bad” tone intact, but also starts to take Walt down a path of further despair than perhaps he has even seen before.

Teaser #1 – There will be another flash-forward cold-open at the start of the episode, so be sure you remember what happened with the ones that you saw last year … and also possibly the hand-dryer scene from the midseason finale. Every moment on this show is there for a reason.

Teaser #2 – Expect a slow build when it comes to following up on the cliffhanger from the finale. Hank’s not going to barge into the other room and take Walt down on the spot. He’s too smart of a cop for that.

Teaser #3 – In addition to the sneak peek that we shared yesterday, there are some great Jesse Pinkman moments throughout the hour; even though Jesse may have said that he was “out” last season, there is still plenty of Aaron Paul to be seen this year.

The rest of today is going to feel like an impossible wait; trust us, we’re with you. We’ll have a full review of tonight’s episode up the moment after it airs, so be sure to come back for more on that.

Photo: AMC

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