‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony talk; Candice rumors form

Candice StewartWe may or may not have a “Big Brother 15” live feed update straight after the Veto Ceremony, and the reason for that is simple: It’s obvious to everyone out there what is going to happen. Candice will be the replacement nominee after Spencer takes himself off the block. Aaryn’s not going rogue this week and put up Elissa; while we despise her and her freaky stuffed clown, she’s played it smart this week and proved to Helen and her group that she can be trusted to work on their side for the time being. In reality, she’s probably just bought herself a couple of weeks, but still.

What is a little more interesting is the latest edition of Operation Lie to Spencer, which basically translates to telling him that they will consider voting out Candice, when in reality Howard is still the target. Right now, Spencer is only confirmed vote Howard would have to save him, and given that eight people are voting, he would really need four more to avoid a tie. Even if you add Andy and Judd, you would still need Jessie and one other person (GinaMarie or wild card Elissa?) to pull this off.

Howard still this morning is telling everyone to vote him out over Candice, since he feels like he has put her in his position. That’s all well and good, but we’re not entirely sure that he means it given that he is still having Spencer do some dirty work for him and run around to various people, trying to figure out ways to keep him in the game.

The person that really needs to lay low the next few days is Amanda. She is just as big of a target in Howard, and maybe even a bigger one when you consider the people that she influences. The question is just if Howard can convince people to see this, and get them to trust him enough to make the move worthwhile.

For now, you can view the latest “Big Brother” updates and ratings just by visiting the link here. Let’s just hope that the next few days bring something new when it comes to excitement.

Photo: CBS

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