‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Howard’s speech, paranoia, and more

HowardConsidering that we just had the nominations in the “Big Brother 15” house on Friday night, you would almost assume as though everyone is going to be running around acting as though that are slowly starting to lose their minds. However, that has not exactly been the case. Instead, what we’ve really ended up seeing here is a perfect example of some people just sitting back and twiddling their thumbs, and a number of people are just waiting until the MVP nomination rolls in before they do anything else.

From a perspective of a devoted live feeder, this is the worst thing that this new twist to the game does: It makes things a heck of a lot more comfortable for the nominees on Friday night, since they feel like there are other opportunities to be safe. The MVP nominee will likely be revealed in a few hours, and maybe they can campaign against them. Amanda and Elissa are both possibilities, and they could be targeted if Howard and Spencer can get the house to flop.

Last night, Howard was fairly contrite, and did not try to make any moves yet. The saddest thing about his status in the game right now is that production, desperate to get his take on everything as the edited “nice guy” on the show, may be hurting his game. There are conspiracy theories about him having a special power thanks to the amount of times he is called to the Diary Room, and it also makes them think that production likes him and will rig the MVP for him. Note to the conspiracy crazies out there: Can production give a challenge that potentially favors one contestant? Sure, but they cannot win it for them. Howard still has to put forth some effort, and judging that he’s thrown almost everything to this point, he is now at an opportunity where he really has to win the rest of the way to have a show unless a new alliance pops up around him.

In addition to Howard giving a brief speech saying that he is going to play hard for Veto, and calling out some unspecified people for making the game “personal,” the only other major highlight last night was Amanda and McCrae having a brief argument over how negative he is all the time in the game. Basically, they’ve gone through every stage of a relationship within the span of a few weeks, and McCrae practically could propose for real at this point. (What happened to their wedding plans here?)

Want to read more updates from the “Big Brother 15” live feeds? We’ve got some more of the latest updates through the past few days and more at the link here.

Photo: CBS

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