‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Patience, young grasshoppers!


The days change, the sky is blue, and there is a new alliance on “Big Brother 15.” Commence your groaning, because if you were to make a diagram of all of the various pacts / deals that have gone on over the past several days, it would literally shoot off in every direction like an evil plant slowly starting to take over the house.

Just within the past week or so, we have been introduced to the Knockouts and the Goof Troop, which is our personal favorite alliance name just for the sake of nostalgia (though the fact that there was a successful alliance named the “Quack Pack” was also very entertaining). Now, we have the Young Grasshoppers: Spencer, Judd, Kaitlin, and GinaMarie. Given how much Dan Gheesling loves “The Karate Kid,” wouldn’t he and Ralph Macchio both be very proud of this name?

Silliness aside, this alliance means very bad news for Aaryn this week, especially if GinaMarie is the third nominee like we expect (though this is America voting and just about anything is possible after seeing Elissa go up as the original MVP nominee). We also expect this alliance to have about as short of a shelf life as the Moving Company did. There’s no real incentive for Judd to stay perpetually in third place with some established pairs, and he knows full well that he is better with Jessie, who someone who will never win a challenge in a billion years and he could easily win against in the end.

The major origin of this alliance is that everyone is desperate to cover their rear for today’s Veto Ceremony, which could produce some great drama depending on what happens. If someone like Helen goes up, for example, the entire house could explode with confusion and accusations. This is going to be an entertaining day, we can tell you that much already.

The only other interesting thing that we can say? That the Goof Troop is leaning more and more towards getting out Kaitlin, mostly because Aaryn is once again a useless waste of racist space in this house, nobody likes her, and he is a pawn to do whatever they want with. Plus, she’s sure to put up Howard or Candice if she wins Head of Household and make things even worse on herself moving forward.

If you want to reenact the grand events that also took place earlier last night, including McCrae’s “marriage proposal” to Amanda, just be sure to click here. We’ll have more updates all day long.

Photo: CBS

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