‘Dexter’ season 8 spoilers: Will Dexter and Deb bounce back after premiere?

DexterAfter the excellent premiere of “Dexter” season 8 on Sunday night, we are left with a myriad of pressing questions, with one of the most interesting ones being whether or not we have seen the end of Dexter and Deb with a functioning relationship. The “shocker” at the tail end of this was that it was Dexter that needed his sister, and not the other way around, and he now has to try and adjust to life without her constantly being at his side.

Luckily, it does still look as though there could be hope for these two trouble souls to work things out. Speaking after the finale to TVLine, executive producer Sara Colleton claims that it will be around mid-season before Dexter and Deb start to be on the same page again, and one of the primary reasons for that will be the presence of Dr. Evelyn Vogel, who ends up becoming a valuable ally in sorting things out:

“There’s definitely hope for Deb. She needed to do her own atonement for the decision that she made, which was either LaGuerta or her brother. And Dr. Vogel becomes very helpful with Deb. Don’t forget Harry was also very concerned about bringing Dexter into their life and how his having to spend so much time on Dexter affected Deb’s childhood. So, Vogel has an insight into Deb, too, and she becomes enormously helpful in bringing them back together again.”

On the subject of possible callbacks to earlier seasons in the coming episodes, Colleton did not suggest that we would suddenly start hearing the words “Rita” or “Brian Moser” bandied about, as this season is very much about the present; then again, at least some of these old stories are already tied up, and while the issue of Astor and Cody is not perfect, we at least know that Rita’s parents are off caring for them, and that may be enough.

If you want to take an even deeper look ahead at the future of “Dexter” beyond this season, our advice is that you head on over to the link here.

Photo: Showtime

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