‘Once Upon a Time’ season 3: All about checks and balances

Once Upon a TimeWith the arrival of “Once Upon a Time in Wonderland” coming up this fall, there has been an intense debate that has broken out: Will having another show, especially one that lasts for longer than 13 episodes, end up hurting both shows when it comes to quality? It’s a similar question that “Glee” fans had when Ryan Murphy started “American Horror Story” and “The New Normal,” and “Homeland” fans have been asking the same question as of late as well.

However, executive producer Adam Horowitz has a simple message: The plans have been in place for a while for both him and Edward Kitsis to handle the two shows, and they have a fantastic team to assist them in just about everything. Just look for evidence based on what Horowitz said in response to a question on Twitter:

“[Don’t] worry! we have a super team on both shows. And while this is “news” to you guys… it’s how we’ve planned it all along.”

The great thing about “Once Upon a Time” (or any drama series for that matter) is that while you may not hear a tremendous amount about them, both shows do have a pretty robust writing and producing staff behind them who can handle some of the responsibilities while Horowitz and Kitsis are balancing themselves between the two shows. It’s going to be exciting thing to watch this fall, given that both shows are coming on the air with pretty high expectations, and fans are eager to see where the stories are going to go. Personally, we’re not worried; there are countless showrunners who are able to bounce between shows without a problem.

If you want to hear some more news when it comes to the spin-off series, all you have to do is head on over to the link here.

Photo: ABC

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