Yellowjackets season 3 episode 8 sneak peek: Misty questions Jeff

Yellowjackets season 2 art
Photo: Showtime

In just a handful of hours, you are going to have a chance to dive head-first into chaos on Yellowjackets season 3 episode 8. Is there anything more that we can share about it now?

Well, let’s just kick things off by noting that heading into this episode, we very-much know already that Shauna is in a precarious position. What is the reason for that? Well, it is rather complicated, and a lot of it starts off with the fact that there are other survivors who think that she is starting to lose it entirely. Did she kill Lottie? Is she going to potentially kill others? Just based on how this past episode ended, we more than understand any other fears that are out there.

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Now if you head over to the link here, you can see a sneak peek for the next new Yellowjackets episode that also gives away further what could be coming, especially when it comes to how relentless Misty is going to be in pursuit of the truth. She will ask Jeff a myriad of questions about Melanie Lynskey’s characters, though we are not altogether sure that she will be in a super-illuminating position at the end of all this.

Obviously, we would love for this episode to tell us officially who is responsible for Lottie’s death, but why would we necessarily think that this info is going to come at this particular point? We do tend to think instead that a big part of what is coming here will just be building tension, and then also finally learning the truth about who Hilary Swank has been playing — something that has been floating out there for a rather long time.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Yellowjackets now, including what more lies ahead

What do you most want to see moving into Yellowjackets season 3 episode 8 on Showtime overnight?

Give us all your thoughts and theories below! Once you do just that, come back for some other updates.

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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