The Irrational season 2 episode 18 (finale): Who is following Alec?

The Irrational season 2
Photo: NBC

We knew entering tonight’s The Irrational season 2 finale that there was a chance that we would get some sort of big-time ending. Was there a cliffhanger in the closing minutes?

Well, in the end, we do tend to think that this ending is worthy of discussion, though it is hardly the same life-or-death situation that we saw with Rose at the end of season 1. Yet, at the same time, it could turn out that way depending on what’s happening to Alec. Who is following him?

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Thanks to looking through some photos at the end of the episode, Alec was able to realize that something was amiss. Luckily, he does know that there is someone close by who could help him greatly: Rose. She has made the decision to open up an office close by with a three-year, lease, which is a significant step forward in their relationship since she could be around so much more than ever before.

So what will the future hold here when it comes to The Irrational, provided it comes back? the ending indicates that there would be a great case to dive into almost from the get-go. Of course, at the same time, it could be wrapped up in the premiere or extended long-term. There is a lot of different directions that the show could potentially take.

Now, in the event this serves as a series finale…

For the time being, we’d say that this could be a functional conclusion to the story for a handful of reasons. For starters, it does signal that Rose and Alec have a great future ahead for the two of them. While we want to see the show back, we’d at least assume that this mystery gets resolved even if we don’t have a chance to see it.

Related Be sure to get more news now on The Irrational, including if there could be a season 3

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