Survivor 48 episode 5 sneak peek: After the Vula blindside

Survivor 48
Photo: CBS

Moving into Wednesday night’s Survivor 48 episode 5, it feels pretty fair to wonder about the state of things at the Vula tribe. After all, the group just went to Tribal Council, where Kyle and Kamilla managed to execute the biggest move of the season. They took out Thomas thanks to Kyle’s immunity idol play, but where do they go from here?

Well, the good news for them is that they are no longer outnumbered; however, at the same time the numbers are equal. Unless they win the next immunity challenge, there is a chance for chaos all over again. (We’ve heard since the last episode that the Extra Vote advantage was used by Kyle / Kamilla, though it was not shown on-camera.)

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If you head over to the link here, you can see a couple of sneak peeks for the upcoming episode, including one where Kyle tries to do some damage control with Shauhin and Joe. He confesses to hoodwinking the “California Girls” alliance to some degree, but also seems to put some of the blame on them! Specifically, he argues that finding out someone dug through his bag was a factor in his decision, even if we know that it wasn’t. In actuality, there was another specific reason why he did what he did — he just wanted to keep his ally!

To some extent, we do think that Kyle is still trying to make it seem like he and Kamilla are not as close as they actually are, and this will most-likely raise a lot of questions when it comes to whether or not other people believe it. Another thing to wonder about is if we are about to see a mad scramble for yet another immunity idol, given that there could be one hidden out at camp! Technically, it may have been hidden there before the tribe swap.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Survivor 48 right now, including what else is ahead

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