Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue episode 5: Last before finale

Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue
Photo: MGM+

As we prepare to see Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue episode 5 on MGM+, there are a number of different things we can say.

So, where should we start? This is going to be the penultimate episode of the season, and that’s a hard thing to digest when we’ve been having so much fun! The mystery show has brought so many twists and turns already, and we’ve also seen a number of victims as it is. Remember that so far, we have seen everyone from Octavio to Travis to Carlos to Lisa die, and that is not even accounting for the flight attendant! Also, remember that Dan nearly was killed in episode 3 and Zack is clinging to life following the conclusion to episode 4. Everything may only get crazier from here on out as a possible rescue is close … but who is actually going to make it there? That is a mighty good question.

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Below, you can check out the full Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue episode 5 synopsis with other insight on what is to come:

Air authorities search desperately for the plane and federal agencies spring into action; as the group becomes smaller and smaller, the last survivors know they are going to have to fight to stay alive.

Now, we know that the DEA is going to do whatever they can to find Zack, but will they be able to do so in time? We’ve seen the flash-forwards and it does seem as though someone could be making it out of the jungle … but who could it be? Well, we are well-aware of the fact that with this being a murder mystery, there is always a chance that some sort of monumental twist is going to be coming before too long.

Related See more of what we saw this week

What do you most want to see moving into Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue episode 5?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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