Yellowjackets season 3 episode 8: Is someone still alive?

Yellowjackets season 2 art
Photo: Showtime

If there is one thing that we know about Yellowjackets through three seasons, it is simply that they love their twists and turns. Why imagine that we’re going to see anything different now?

With that in mind, let’s start to raise some questions about the fate of both Gen and Melissa. During a scene in the present this week, it was noted that these two characters are dead. Is that really the case?

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Well, let’s just say that the full synopsis for season 3 episode 8 (titled “A Normal, Boring Life”) gives you a much better sense of what may be coming — and how the show may shock us yet again:

With a possible escape from their nightmare, the Yellowjackets learn not everyone may be in a rush to leave; in the present, the unexpected return of an old teammate sends Shauna spiraling in ways that should probably concern everyone.

Given that this return is “unexpected,” wouldn’t it mean that it could be someone Shauna thought was dead? That makes at least some sense, but it does not answer the question as to how someone Melissa / Gen may have been able to survive on their own. Did someone take one of them away from the wilderness, or did they wander her way out? These are all things that at the moment, you do have to wonder about.

The one thing that does feel clear is that if the Yellowjackets were to kill these two on their own, they would have almost certainly done something to ensure that they were 100% gone. Or, to be more specific, they would have probably had them for dinner. All of this points to a big twist.

Could it be someone beyond Gen or Melissa who turns up?

It is possible, but we know that Hilary Swank is the big arrival in episode 8 — she physically matches up with these two characters more than anyone else.

Related Be sure to see our take on the Yellowjackets season 3 episode 8 promo

What do you think that we’re going to see moving into Yellowjackets season 3 episode 8 when it airs?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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