The White Lotus season 3 finale: Star shuts down ‘monkey’ theory

The White Lotus season 3
Photo: HBO

We know that The White Lotus is one of those shows that there are going to be a lot of crazy theories surrounding at all times. However, some theories are clearly more bonkers than others.

With all of this in mind, let’s just go ahead and remind everyone out there about the absolutely-insane idea that is floating around out there that the monkeys are somehow involved in the shooting at the start of the season. In a way, we get that monkeys have been featured here and there throughout the season. However, here is your reminder that this is a show set in Thailand, in particular a part of it where the animals are omnipresent. This may be more about realism than it is some sort of crazy theory.

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We are not so sure that you needed this bit of information, but you are getting it anyway — the monkeys did not shoot someone. Speaking to InStyle in a recent interview, Michelle Monaghan (who plays Jaclyn) had the following to say with a laugh:

“What?! … What? The monkeys do the shooting? Man, y’all have lost it … Spoiler alert, like, sorry, the monkeys don’t do the shooting.”

Obviously, the idea of this was born out of both “foreshadowing” (all the monkeys), plus also the fact that the deaths for the first two seasons were somewhat creative in nature. This time around, though, we would not be surprised if the show went in a more serious direction, mostly so that they find a way to keep people guessing. After all, isn’t that still important? You never want anyone to know for sure how you are going to conclude a story.

Related Learn more about The White Lotus right now, including other news on what more is ahead

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