Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue episode 3: Who died?

Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue
Photo: MGM+

If there was one thing that we 100% anticipated we would see moving into Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue episode 3 on MGM+, it was another big death. That’s the whole foundation of the show! So rather than question whether or not we would die, it instead became all about how they were going to go and also if there would be any clues as to the killer.

So what exactly did we learn? Well, given that the story started with a flashback of Carlos a.k.a. Rapido’s time in the ring, it can’t be too big of a shock to learn that he was killed off. Here’s how it transpired: He was stabbed in the woods, and at a time in which he was separated from everyone else. Carlos had been sneaking off from the group here and there, but with actually a pretty simple motive: He was eating extra food in secret, likely to keep himself at peak condition for his wrestling career.

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So who killed Carlos? The show gave us a quick look at the assailant but unfortunately, you can argue that the vast majority of the passengers are still in play as possibilities. The better way to actually rule out candidates came later when we learned that Amy is seeing traumatic visions from her past, ones that caused her to nearly kill Dan. It does feel like we can rule her out as the killer and while Dan has a temper and violent tendencies, is he now too obvious?

If you are to look elsewhere (and assume that the killer was actually on the plane), you can look more towards Kevin, Zack, and Sonja as distinct possibilities. Do any of them have a clear motive? No, but there absolutely were a lot of drugs hidden aboard the plane, and money can be a powerful force…

Related Get a better sense of what’s ahead on Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue

What did you think about the overall events of Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue episode 3?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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