Landman season 2 spoilers: Andy Garcia promoted to regular

Landman season 1
Photo: Paramount+

While we know that we are going to be waiting a good while still to actually see Landman season 2 premiere on Paramount+, there is something more to share today!

After all, let’s take a moment here to have a conversation about none other than Andy Garcia. At the end of the season 1 finale, the iconic actor made an appearance as Gallino, a cartel boss who may end up forming a long-term partnership of sorts with Tommy Norris (Billy Bob Thornton). It may not be something that Tommy is necessarily all that game to do but at the same time, is he going to be offered that much of a choice? That is at least something to think about at present!

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In the end, all of this is of course bringing us to where we are right now. According to a new report coming in from TVLine, you are going to be seeing Garcia back as a series regular. We do not necessarily view this as some big-time shocker but at the same time, we are nonetheless happy to have it now confirmed. It enables us to recognize that he is going to be a significant force to be reckoned with.

Now, is the cartel storyline the most realistic part of Landman? You can make an argument that the answer here is a pretty clear no. At the same time, though, you can also make a pretty-clear argument here that it is one of the more entertaining storylines that the show has. It allows for a lot of action sequences and so long as we get that, we’re going to be happy with the end result.

Odds are, there are going to be more casting updates before too long; we’ll keep our eyes peeled.

Related Be sure to get some more thoughts on Landman now, including some premiere date hopes

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