Landman season 2 premiere date hopes after Paramount+ renewal

Landman season 1
Photo: Paramount+

If you missed the big news that came out yesterday, a Landman season 2 renewal is a go at Paramount+. With that in mind, there is another question worth wondering: Just when will it actually premiere?

First and foremost, we should start off here by noting that production for the Taylor Sheridan series is actively happening already — over the next few months, you are going to see a lot of cast and crew members around various parts of Texas. While we know that a lot of the story is set around Midland / Odessa, a significant chunk of it is shot closer to Dallas / Fort Worth.

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So with production happening, we really do think that Paramount+ is actively think a lot about possible premiere dates. When will the show be back?

Well, let’s just say that in our mind, the most likely scenario is that Landman returns at some point this fall. Shows under the Sheridan umbrella have a pretty long history of having short turnaround times and if filming wraps by the summer, this seems to be easily feasible. There are no elaborate special-effects or anything else that would make this wait be somehow more insufferable than this. The most important thing, at least from our vantage point, is that the streaming service strikes while the iron is hot. The first season was an overwhelming success and by virtue of that alone, it honestly does not make any sense for the powers-that-be to wait until 2026. The biggest thing that would come with that is you potentially losing steam.

For now, we’ll just wait and see if anything more gets announced regarding casting — after all, Sheridan’s shows do have a history of bringing some big names on board.

Related Get some more news right now when it comes to the Landman renewal

What are you most excited to see moving into Landman season 2, no matter when it premieres?

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