The Amazing Race 37 episode 2 sneak peek: An Intersection tease

The The Amazing Race 37
Photo: CBS

Tomorrow night on CBS, you are going to have a chance to see The Amazing Race 37 episode 2 arrive — so what all can you expect?

First and foremost, let’s begin by noting that the next leg of the Race is going to be set primarily in Osaka, Japan, but one of the things that the show is planning to demonstrate along the way is the challenge that comes along with trying to even get there. This brings back a battle for plane tickets, something that has long been a major focal point of the season.

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If you head over to the official YouTube for the show, you can see a series of sneak peeks that include a struggle at a travel agency to find the right way to move forward. You have to consider a lot when you are a team on this show. For example, is it better to take a direct flight, even if it arrives a little later? If you go this route, you at least mitigate some of the risk that comes with delays.

As for some other sneak previews for the episode, let’s just say that a big one is tied to what in the world is going to happen at an Intersection. This is a twist in the Race where two teams have to work together, and it appears to be something tied to drums. The big challenge that comes with this is that if you have someone who is terrible at math, you run the risk that you are going to be struggling for a really long time. For the time being, this is at least something you have to consider!

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Amazing Race 37 right now, including what more is ahead

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