Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue episode 2: Who died?

It probably goes without saying, but we went into Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue episode 2 on MGM+ keenly aware someone would go. The question was who it would be.
Leading up to this installment, we saw both the flight attendant as well as the pilot of the plane perish — which is problematic for so many reasons. Everyone remaining out in the jungle at this point lacks many survival skills, though some are more capable of making it through than others. Carlos is a luchador who is in peak physical condition; meanwhile, Sonja seems to have a keen understanding of the local flora and fauna. She points out the dangerous mushrooms to the group … which may actually end up being the undoing of the latest character this weekend.
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Following a meal of monkey that he was very-much keen to prepare, Travis is now gone. He wasn’t in the best shape health-wise leading up to this but at the same time, that is not the thing that killed him. Rather, it was some sort of poison … but who administered it?
Given that Amy at one point gives Travis some of her portion, you could make the argument that she was actually the intended target. Or, is she actually the killer? Our eyes are on her for many reasons, including her quickie marriage and how little we know about her outside of that. Yet, the beauty of Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue in general is that almost every person seems to be hiding something. Sonja and Zack both are well-versed and seem to be hiding secrets. Meanwhile, you could argue that Kevin is the perfect killer, given that he can hide so many of his actions under the pretense of being a former doctor.
Related – Get more news when it comes to the next Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue episode
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.