Mayfair Witches season 2 finale: Was there a big cliffhanger?

Mayfair Witches season 2
Photo: AMC

We knew entering tonight’s Mayfair Witches season 2 finale that there was a chance for a lot of loose ends to be tied up. With that, what did we actually get?

First and foremost here, let’s just say that insofar as cliffhangers go, there really was not one that was altogether substantial. Judging from the way in which the story ended, we do tend to think that Rowan was able to get Jojo and Daphne out of the thrall. Meanwhile, we bore witness to the apparent death of Lasher earlier on in the episode and with that in mind, we do think that a certain amount of the story we’ve been on has been wrapped up. Rowan is back in New Orleans, but there is at least one major problem still out there: Julien. That in itself may be enough to get people curious about a possible season 3.

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As for whether or not said season 3 is going to happen, this is where at least a certain amount of the mystery lies at present. Our general thinking here is that AMC will spend the next several weeks trying to figure that out, but we do believe personally that there should at least be one more season. Within that, Rowan could be able to discover more of her true purpose and create a more stable environment for her family long-term.

Beyond just this, here is where we’ll note that we also would love to see more of what happens with the Talamasca now that Sip is helping to lead things in New Orleans! We did not necessarily get the huge teases for the Talamasca spin-off we were hoping for, but the finale did at least give us some good reminders of how big and exciting a world there is to explore there.

Related What is the status of a Mayfair Witches season 3 renewal?

What did you think about the events of the Mayfair Witches season 2 finale in its totality?

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