Love is Blind season 8 episode 6: Host on Daniel, Taylor drama

Love Is Blind season 8
Photo: Netflix

We recognize that there are a few conversation-worthy moments coming out of the first six episodes of Love is Blind season 8 over on Netflix. Yet, one does tend to stand out! We are talking here of course of what happened with Daniel and Taylor, where she met up with him after the Pods to question if he had followed her briefly on Instagram before coming on and doing the show.

What are the implications of this? We tend to think it is rather simple: If Daniel had followed her (which is far from confirmed), he would know a little about her — which is then information he could use on the show. Then again, how would he have ever known she was taking part in the experiment in the first place? There are so many different questions that would need to be answered if this was all some elaborate plan on his part. You could also argue that he had just randomly followed her not knowing she was going to be on the show at all, especially since they are present in the same city.

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While we wait for more clarity on all of this, why not hear from one of the show’s hosts? Speaking to Us Weekly, here is some of what Vanessa Lachey had to say about the whole ordeal:

“It’s funny because that was one of those moments — we always tend to agree, but then when we do disagree, we agree to disagree. And I was like, ‘I understand what she’s saying.’ And [Nick Lachey’s] like, ‘I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.’

“… “If somebody is following you and does know a lot about you, is that fair? … And it didn’t give you an opportunity to truly get to know them for who they are because that is personal. That is why it’s Instagram and it’s posted. She had this little voice in the back of her head, and I’m really proud of her for speaking up on it.”

Here is the thing — Taylor could just be having a bad case of deja vu, thinking that Daniel is someone he is not. Or, she may think that he’s too good to be a true. There are a lot of different things that could still play out in this situation.

Related Be sure to get some more thoughts entering the next Love is Blind episode

How do you think the whole Daniel – Taylor saga on Love is Blind is going to end?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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