Deal or No Deal Island season 2 episode 6: A CK cliffhanger?

Tonight on Deal or No Deal Island season 2 episode 6, we of course saw a lot of chaos — and then also a situation with CK. Did the show make a little too much with the “cheating” scandal? Well maybe, but we honestly think the aftermath was more entertaining than the actual events themselves.
After all, CK completely imploded after the excursion, feeling betrayed by Lete but at the same time, spilling her entire game to Parvati. CK still wanted to make amends by playing the Banker, but would she actually be chosen to be able to do that? A completely different story.
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The showdown between CK and the Banker really felt non-eventful for most of it, probably just because we were looking at a clear either / or sort of situation. Either she was going to be eliminated herself, or she was going to have to make a tough decision. The problem was that the editing never made it clear what that would be. At first, it was Dickson … but after she blew up on Lete and others? It felt a little more unclear at that point. It just felt like her exit was going to be karmic justice for everything else that had already transpired within the game.
So what actually happened at the end?
Well … nothing? In what to be one of the more infuriating moments of the season, we saw the producers end before we even saw what happened with CK and the final case. Instead, she threw a lob at Phillip, who then proceeded to fire back in such a hardcore way that she appeared to be extremely shell-shocked. We could be gearing up for the most insane sort of drama that we have ever seen at Temple, or at least that is what the producers want after choosing to end that way.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on the next Deal or No Deal Island episode right now
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