The Voice 27: Bryson Battle auditions to ‘A Song For You’

We knew entering The Voice season 27 tonight that we would be seeing some good auditions — with that, why not meet Bryson Battle?
Now, the first thing that we should say here about this audition is that it was one of those where the hid the performer at first. “A Song For You” is a fantastic way to audition, though, as it has so many different notes and opportunity to show off who you are. Bryson is only 21 years old, but he has a voice that so mature for his age. We know that he’s trained and practiced for so many years to perfect his craft, and he’s also worked hard in order to ensure that he could be on this stage.
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Of course, just about every coach under the sun wanted Bryson, and this really just came down to who could make the most compelling pitch … but this is where you have to remember that a huge chunk of this show is graded on a curve. Everyone comes into the auditions with their preferences, and it did feel like he was intrigued by the idea of working with John Legend from the get-go. That became his ultimate choice.
In the end, we do still hope that Bryson keeps in mind what we thought was a bit of smart advice handed over from one of the coaches in Adam Levine: To really think outside the box and come up with good song choices. Your vocals are outstanding, but can you also take people by surprise with your musical selections? We do tend to think that these two things, working in perfect harmony with one another, are very-much important.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on The Voice 27 right now, including some other auditions
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.