Last Week Tonight with John Oliver gets season 12 premiere date

If you have been eager to get a Last Week Tonight with John Oliver season 12 premiere date for a while, wonder no more!
Today, the folks at HBO confirmed what has been reasonably clear for a good while now: The new season of the late-night hit is going to be coming on Sunday, February 16. This is a show that has a clear formula, and this latest date-announcement indicates further that they are sticking to it.
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Now, are there going to be any major changes beyond the start date? Hardly. We do tend to think that the show is going to run back what they did during the first Trump Presidency, including showing some super-current events but also then taking on subjects that are a little bit more timeless. We do not think any election results are going to radically change what this show is or what it ends up looking like. There will likely be some main segments that go viral, and then others that are forgotten about pretty quickly.
If there is one thing that we can say with a certain measure of confidence, it is that the show is going to have a hard time topping what they did in the last premiere, where they tried to make an offer to convince Clarence Thomas to retire from the Supreme Court. The piece certainly drew a ton of attention, but that is more or less all it got.
What are we hoping to see moving forward?
Well, let’s just go ahead and make that rather clear: More interviews! This is something that Oliver is clearly skilled at and while the format for the series makes it hard, there are important people out there who could bring information about key subjects to the air — especially when it comes to people we have not heard from in some time.
What are you most eager to see on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver season 12?
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