Deal or No Deal Island season 2 episode 3: Was Rock eliminated?

If there is one lesson to take from Deal or No Deal Island season 2 episode 3, it is this: Why is it all so complicated? The excursions here were all about teams, high cases, low cases, splitting up teams, and by and large confusion. Because the show only has an hour to work with, you really do not have a lot of time to actually understand where a lot of people are coming from.
Take, for example, who in the world is Rock? This dude is so out there from his appearance to his vibe, and when he clearly wanted to play Deal or No Deal at the end, it generated a measure of panic given that nobody knew what the guy was going to do. As a viewer, that was fantastic — not so much as a player.
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CK and Maria-Grace were the two winners of the ever-confusing excursion, and they then gave Rock what he wanted. He played, which led to the most bizarre buzzsaw-worthy version of case-opening that we’ve ever seen. It is honestly impossible to nail who this Rock guy is since he feels like three different people rolled into one. He also made highly questionable decisions turning down money, even when his chances of winning were good.
When Rock finally did take a deal, it still felt like he had a reasonable chance of staying put … but it didn’t happen.
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We do love the fact that this man is still throwing challenges, just like he did 20+ years ago. He’s such an agent of chaos, and also someone largely disliked by a lot of other people in the fold.
Related – Be sure to get some more thoughts on Deal or No Deal Island and what lies ahead
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