Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, 1/19?

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO? We know that we’d love nothing more than to see the show tonight. It has now been a solid two months since the end of last season and by virtue of that, there is certainly a LOT of ground to cover.
Unfortunately, this is where we do have to come in here with an unfortunate update: You are going to be stuck waiting a good while to see it back still. There is no new episode tonight, and there is still no official premiere date for the new season.
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Is an announcement coming soon? We tend to think so! After all, it was around this time last year when the show got an official start date, so we would say to keep your eyes peeled for some sort of news on this subject within the relatively near future.
So what will the series actually take on when it comes back on the air? We’d love to sit here and present you with some sort of answer, but the reality is that this is not all altogether possible. Remember here that there are a lot of stories that just aren’t going to get covered for the sake of timing. Last Week Tonight has never been one of those shows that starts off a premiere with a 30-minute look back at the previous year, and that is almost surely not going to be the case here.
An easy prediction is that Oliver’s show is going to start off by taking a look at the current administration, only to then venture over into some sort of segment that is a little more evergreen. This has long been the formula and by virtue of that, there is no reason to think that this is about to change.
What do you want to see when Last Week Tonight with John Oliver returns to HBO?
Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! There are some other updates coming up here down the road.