SAS Rogue Heroes season 2 episode 5 spoilers: Last before finale

As we get prepared to see SAS Rogue Heroes season 2 episode 5 on BBC One next week, what all can we say at the moment?
Well, it does feel like the proper place to start right here is rather simple: This is the penultimate episode of the story this go-around. Whatever happens here is going to carry over to the finale and by virtue of that alone, we do think that things are going to be getting all the more dangerous. Some of the biggest moves of the season are still coming, and it could all begin courtesy of the SAS receiving a visit from a particular individual.
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Do you want to get a few more details now? Then go ahead and check out the full SAS Rogue Heroes season 2 episode 5 synopsis below:
As John Tonkin tries to return to the unit, the men of the SAS receive a visit from General Montgomery who can smell drink – and heroism.
Now, it is true that we know the larger picture of how things are going to go for the SAS within this particular time period; we do not believe that this series is out to deliver any huge jaw-droppers on that front. Instead, we tend to think that personally, the real focus of the remaining episodes is going to be some of the emotional focus of the mission. How does all of this impact not just those involved, but everyone close to them?
For those who are wondering, the goal for this season is not to take you to the end of the war. With that, there is potential for the story to last a good while still! We’ll have to wait and see where the show gets a third season, but there is a legitimate chance of it happening and at least for now, that is worthy of a certain measure of excitement.
What do you most want to see moving into SAS Rogue Heroes season 2 episode 5?
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