Why did Tru Valentino leave The Rookie, Aaron Thorsen role?

Why did Tru Valentino leave The Rookie? While you are watching the season 7 premiere tonight, we understand if you are wondering about that very thing in regards to his Aaron Thorsen.
So is there any super-detailed answer we can hand down here? When it comes to actors departing shows, there are often a few different reasons for it. A common one, for example, is that they want to move on to do other things. Another is that they were cut for financial reasons. Yet, what is often the most common is that producers simply want to take a story in a different direction, and that seems to be what ended up happening here.
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If we had to theorize to some extent here, the team at The Rookie likely realized that they wanted to bring some new rookies into the show to try and keep the central premise going; yet, at the same time, they had too many characters and screen time would be spread too thin. This may have led somewhat into the decision, but at least you can take solace in the fact that Aaron will not be killed off and within that, is still very-much out there.
Now with all of this said, we don’t think that any of this is going to be consolation for those who liked this character and by virtue of that, wanted to see more of him as a part of this story. Our hope is simply that Valentino is able to get another great role elsewhere that will allow him to have some staying power. Given that he was not an original cast member here, it may have been easier to remove his character than others who have been here since the beginning.
Related – Is there any chance that we see Aaron on The Rookie again down the road?
Are you going to miss Tru Valentino being a part of The Rookie moving forward?
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