Landman season 1 episode 10 (finale): Big cliffhanger ahead?

As so many of you know at this point, Landman season 1 episode 10 is going to be coming to Paramount+ this weekend — and yes, this is the epic finale.
Are there a ton of loose ends that the show needs to tie up? You better believe so! Just think in terms of the fate of Monty, the future of the oil company, Cooper’s career future, and also whether or not the cartel is about to make some sort of big play against Tommy Norris. At this point, we are pretty darn concerned when it comes to the state of things there.
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So is there going to be a lot of violence? We tend to think so, and we are also equally curious if there is going to be time to tie all of this up. It is true that Taylor Sheridan does not always do cliffhangers with some of his shows; we have seen them with the aforementioned Yellowstone here and there but at the same time, there was not one with Lioness season 2 late last year.
Because Landman is structured more like the former than the latter, we do tend to think there’s a chance the first season does still leave open a loose end or two. There may or may not be some enormous jaw-dropping cliffhanger, but we absolutely think the odds are high that they will leave you wanting more.
Now, let’s go ahead and note that technically, there has not been a season 2 greenlit for the Paramount+ show. Yet, at the same time, we are pretty darn optimistic that it is going to be seeing it happen. Given how successful the series is, why would you imagine anything else?
Related – Be sure to get some more news entering Landman season 1 episode 10
What are you the most excited to see at this point heading into Landman season 1 episode 10?
Do you expect a cliffhanger? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come back here for some additional updates.